
Important Update !

  • Step 1: Install new HideX
  • Step 2: Set new password
  • Step 3: Import hidden files autoly
  • Upgraded Cloud

  • Ad Free

  • New Design

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What‘s New

Ads Free

We remove ads in the updated app to provide a better using experience.

Upgraded Cloud

1. Cloud backup is provided with fast upload/download speed to expand your storage. 2. Sign in with your Gmail or Apple ID, and access cloud files anywhere. 3. Automatically backup your files with one tap and the latest encryption technique is applied to ensure data security.

Faster Speed

1. The server is upgraded with better capability and faster speed. 2. You’ll be able to download movies in 1 minute and videos in 10 seconds.

Better User Experience

1. The UI design has been fully renewed. 2. The new interactive experience is more in line with users’ habits, providing you with the best using experience.




How can I update HideX?

1. Click the download button and install new HideX 2. Follow the guidance and set your new password. 3. The hidden files will be autoly imported in new HideX safely. Please make sure a stable network connection during the process. 4. The importing process is done. You can delete the old app and enjoy your new journey.

Will my data and files get lost if I update HideX?

We always take your data security as our priority. After you install new HideX, your data and files will be autoly imported without any risk of losing files. It will take a few minutes to complete the storing process in the new app so please don’t exit it and keep a stable network connection until it’s done.

Will the old HideX app be maintained in the future?

No, we will not maintain or update the old HideX app from the end of February 2022. We highly recommend you to download and install new HideX as soon as possible so that your data and files will not be affected.

If you need any help please contact us via email: cxlock.feedback@gmail.com
